Saturday, April 5, 2008

Mauritius 54th in Network Readiness Index

This is far below Tunisia at 35. NRI primarily measures three areas Environment [political regulatory infrastructure], Readiness to use, and Usage. Mauritius shows extreme weakness in the areas of infrastructure, readiness, and usage.* In the past 4 years our ranking has been deteriorating from 43 to 54!

Full view

A preliminary look at the rankings suggests the only reason Mauritius is 54th is because of environmental factors, eg. taxes, easy to start up a business, really nothing to do with improving the core of being a networked economy. Looking deeper into the numbers especially the second illustration reveals this.

Mauritius v. Tunisia

*These numbers are from 2006 not sure exactly when, still rather alarming nonetheless!


1 comment:

Editor said...

Variable Name Rank
Total tax rate* 120
Time required to start a business* 114
Cost of mobile telephone call* 105
Availability of scientists and engineers 103
Quality of competition in the ISP sector 97
Number of procedures required to start a business* 95
Capacity for innovation 94
Residential monthly telephone subscription* 91
Extent of business Internet use 88
Local availability of research and training services